March 7, 2020 at 9:00 am 3737 Clinton Rd. Jackson, Michigan

Enneagram Workshop – March 7

Enneagram Workshop, Saturday, March 7, 9:oo – 3:00
This concise, introductory workshop will discuss various theories of the Enneagram and explain the different energies of each type. Tools will also be provided to assist in identifying your specific Enneagram type. For $10 take Dr. Jerome Wagner’s Enneagram Assessment: Click Here

Many personality tests describe who we are, but the Enneagram invites us back to our “true self”. The Enneagram provides insight into the core motivations and types of energy that fuel people. The nine different styles can be described as “lenses or glasses” through which the world is perceived. It’s not just about gaining information or knowledge, it’s about transformation and growth.

Someone said, “all models are wrong, but some are useful.” The Enneagram is more than useful; it can transform your life. It provides an explanation of what the Bible describes, about “the brokenness of humankind” and the “ways we fallen short”. The Enneagram does not just inform it helps transform by illuminating new choices on how we can journey as a “new creation” from here.

Cost: $95 due upon registration. “The Enneagram Personality Styles” book by Clare Loughrige is provided, as well as snacks, beverages and lunch. Please note if you have specific dietary needs. No refunds are made.

Location: CMJC’s David’s Promise, 3737 Clinton Rd., Jackson, MI  49201

Credentials: I am a Professional Accredited Enneagram Practitioner. I received my certifications to teach © iEnneagram Motions of the Soul in 2017 by Clare Loughrige and the Enneagram Spectrum Training by Dr. Jerome Wagner in 2018. I have also studied with Enneagram gurus Dr. Beatrice Chestnut, Mario Sikora, Tom Condon and Russ Hudson.

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2020/03/07 09:00:00